Cyberground WoW

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Cyberground WoW

Welcome to Cyberground WoW

    Rules - Punishments


    Posts : 18
    Join date : 2009-06-28
    Age : 30
    Location : Macedonia

    Rules - Punishments Empty Rules - Punishments

    Post  Admin Sun Jun 28, 2009 5:05 pm

    Members of Cyberground WoW staff will NEVER ask for your password or any other account data. Do not tell your password to ANYONE under any circumstances.

    If you are caught cheating or hacking - You will get a permanent ban.
    If you are caught receiving items or anything from cheaters or hackers - your character will be deleted.

    If you are caught exploiting bug - you will get 5 day ban.

    Mulitboxing is not allowed. You will get a 5 day ban.

    Wintrading and character farming are forbidden. You will get a permanent ban.

    Wintrading - pre-arranged arena matches where one team intentionally and repeatedly loses in order to give other team free high arena rating.

    Character farming - pre-arranged repeated killing character of opposite faction, which doesn't fight back, in order to get free honor points.

    If you are in a group/raid which exceeds an instance maximum - you have to discuss this in a group and remove ppl. Otherwise raidleader and assistants will get 5 day bans. If the group/raid doesn't say who is the raid leader and who are the assistants or if they aren't honest about it the whole group will get a 5 day ban.

    All kinds of trade are forbidden at world channel - you will get 1 day ban.
    No begging, spamming, flooding etc. is allowed - you will get 1 day ban.
    Swearing/cursing/insulting in global chatrooms will get you muted or banned, depending on the content, location and situation.
    Racism in any form will get you banned (varies between 2 week and perm ban).
    Using colors or caps in any channel will get you banned for 2 days.
    Using language other then English in global chatrooms will get you muted.

    A player getting channel ops in worldchat is considered a system bug.
    It is not allowed to give out channel ops to anyone else in the worldchat! - you will get 2 day ban.

    Advertising other servers is forbidden. You will get a permanent ban.
    Pretending to be Game Master is forbidden. You will get a permanent ban.
    Relog to another account after mute/ban and complaining about mute/ban is considered Evading. You will get the same mute/ban as the first account/character.
    If you are caught helping permanently banned people to come back on the server by giving them your characters to play or making ingame accounts under your website account You will get a permanent ban.

    Specific rules:
    its forbidden farming honor near spirit healer
    Exploiting in arathi basin (capturing the flags before fight starts)
    Mass Dispell in arena vs rogues or Distract.

    Killing battlemasters and questgivers in Shattrath City is forbidden. You will get 2 day ban.
    Killing other players in Shattrath City is forbidden. You will get 2 day ban.

    Killing mobs with the help of npc's in outland while being lower then lvl 58 is bugexploiting. You will get a 5 day ban.

    Please note: This are guidelines and not fixed penalties. They can change depending on certain situations. Or rules violated to the extremes. Also admins can determine other forms of punishments due to their ability of having more possibilities, like leveldown, itemremove or spelltaking.

    Additional information

    Permanent Bans
    All permanent bans on any ingame account result in web account deletion including all ingame accounts and characters and a permanent IP ban.

    Trading characters
    We do not support nor encourage any kind of trading and/or buying/selling characters and/or accounts between third party members. We are not responsible for any kind of lost of characters and/or accounts that can occur during such transfers. Neither are we responsible for any kind of other losses, like items, gold, weapons, levels, skills, etc.
    Doing these kind of trades and/or selling/buying will be at your own risk, and will not be corrected by any of the Alphawow staff members.

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